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  • May
  • <% newslist = newslist & "" & _ " " %> <% newslist = newslist & "" newstime = "00:00:00" if "00:00:00" = "00:00:00" or "00:00:00" = "" then newstime = "12:09:19" end if ' check if editor has put in a date, if not display creation date If "2015-01-15" = "" Then newsdate = "2015-01-16 " & newstime listTimeOffset = formatDateOffsetCreated else newsdate = "2015-01-15 " & newstime listTimeOffset = "" End If newstimestamp = formatDate("%U%", newsdate, listTimeOffset, "") newsdate = formatDate("%M%. %d%, %Y%", newsdate, listTimeOffset, "") newslist = newslist & "Autobahn named Risk magazine's Best Single Dealer Platform of the Year 2015" & _ "/microSite/html/10450.html" & _ "Autobahn named Risk magazine's Best Single Dealer Platform of the Year 2015" & _ "" & newsdate & "" & _ "" & newstimestamp & "" & _ "eCommerce/Fixed Income" & _ "" & _ "en" & _ "" & _ "" & _ "" & _ "eCommerce" & _ "en" & _ "" & _ "" & _ "" & _ "" & _ "" & _ "" & _ "" & _ "" & _ "" & _ "" & _ "" & _ "" & _ "" newslist = newslist & " " If listId = "eCommerce" and output="true" Then %> <% End If %>
  • Jan
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Last Update: 8.11.2019
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